Early Marriage is A Good Idea

From the desk of Amhar Maulana Arifin,

Subject : it is a good idea to get married young

Early Marriage


Nowadays, early marriage has become taboo in our culture. Getting married at a young age of 17 until 21 will get you some strange comments from others. There are many comments from people that those who get married at young age means they have do zina. However, I think we need a revival of early marriage among us. I think there are several reasons young people need to begin adopting this counter cultural practice by marrying early.

Refrain from sin & Sexual Immortality

Relationship become lawful by marriage. Unlike the people who are still dating . you are freely to make strong relationship and fulfill your needs (love & lust) without worry.

In this overly sexualized culture. There are many bad distractions from nude scenes in movies, risky television shows, and erotic novels, young people are being bombarded with one message: Sex. However, if people place the expectation on young people to wait till their late twenties and early thirties for marriage, we are placing on them a weight that will cripple them. Young people seeking to be obedient to abstain from sexual relations outside of marriage will collapse under the weight of their optimal sex drive and the influence of an obsessively sexualized culture.

It is unreasonable, foolish, and harmful to place this weight on young people. Sex is a good gift given to us by God, meant for our enjoyment in the way God has designed. Rather than encouraging young people to delay marriage and a sexual relationship with their spouse, we should encourage them to marry. This way they can enjoy God’s gift of sex in a way that protects them from sexual immorality and glorifies and honors God.

Marriage forces people to be more mature

It is not a strange sighting today to see 25 or 26-year-old men living at home with mom and dad, smoking, and playing playstation all day. The recently created teenager/adolescent culture seems to be a growing age group. Adolescence is no longer just during the teen years but continues into the 20s and early 30s. young generation today is a generation characterized by a lack of initiative failing to take responsibility for their own lives.

Marriage is God’s gracious gift of forcing a man and a woman to grow up, particularly men. When a man gets married he becomes responsible for providing for his family, making sure the bills are paid, and protecting his wife. He must not only take responsibility for himself but for his wife and future children. Marriage pushes young men out of the nest to spread their wings and fly under the windy pressures of life. This is a good thing, but unfortunately rather than pushing these guys towards manhood we allow them to continue in a lengthy boyhood. This is a shame.

By getting married early, our life more focus, our brain full of passion and determination for making the goals come true.

There is a nearest way for success : EARLY MARRIAGE

Have a life partner for sharing & better lifestyle.

At an early age, someone really needs a partner. But the husband / wife is the best partner to share everything. All case can be done and solved well.

By getting married early, we get someone who control. at an early age , anyone is more easily tempted by things that may harm his soul and body. So, to prevent out of control, we need a lawful life partner, husband or wife.

So Don’t Make Early Marriage Taboo…

Cara Merubah Kemalasan Menjadi Prestasi

From the desk  of Amhar Maulana Arifn,
Subj: Bagaimana memanfaatkan “kemalasan” menjadi “bahan bakar”.



Dalam kamus, kata “malas” berarti tidak cenderung untuk bekerja atau mengerahkan tenaga.

Tapi khusus pada artikel ini, saya tidak setuju dengan definisi itu. Saya akan memanipulasi sedikit sedikit dan menggunakan definisi saya sendiri kemalasan.

Definisi kemalasan versi AMHARD: “kemalasan merupakan keadaan ketika seseorang cenderung untuk tidak melakukan pekerjaan atau mengerahkan tenaga karena tidak ada MANFAAT yang jelas untuk melakukan hal tersebut, atau tindakan tersebut tidak MENGUNTUNGKAN dan tidak MENARIK untuk dilakukan.”

Menggunakan definisi AMHARD di atas, maka saya akan menjelaskan dua hal simpel untuk merubah kemalasan menjadi prestasi.



Sebenarnya, salah satu manfaat dari kemalasan adalah menghindarkan kita dari kompetisi. contohnya, daripada memulai bisnis di sebuah pasar yang sangat kompetitif dan mudah dimasuki, lebih baik memulai bisnis yang memiliki sedikit pesaing. Contohnya, membuka toko HP di tempat yang terdapat 500 toko HP. Mengapa harus berjuang mati-matian untuk mendapatkan sepotong kue jika bisa memperoleh potongan kue besar di tempat lain?.

Hal yang sangat jelas adalah pada industri Laundry, di daerah sekitar kampus, para pengusaha laundry itu banyak, karena konsumennya banyak, juga untuk memulai usahanya tidak sulit, tapi karena tingkat persaingan yang tinggi, akhirnya hampir setiap pengusaha laundry harus rela memberikan harga murah, bayangkan hanya Rp. 2000 / kg, sedangkan tenaga yang dikerahkan untuk mencuci, jemur dan setrika lebih besar. memang biaya sewa gedung dan modal tertutupi karena banyaknya konsumen, tapi tenaga lebih banyak terkuras untuk mencuci sekian banyaknya. bayangkan dengan pengusaha laundry di kota-kota kecil, konsumen mereka sedikit, tapi mereka menerapkan harga mahal, rata-rata Rp. 7.000 / kg. Bisa jadi keuntungan bulanan bisa jadi lebih sedikit daripada tukang laundry yang dekat kampus, tapi jika dibandingkan dengan tenaga terkuras, keuntungan tersebut sudah lebih dari tiga kali lipat dari pendapatan laundry yang berada di tingkat persaingan tinggi.

Berdiri untuk melakukan hal yang sama dengan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang hanyalah buang-buang waktu bahkan membuang-buang hidup . Lakukanlah hal baru, dan lakukan dengan lebih baik, dan jangan lakukan hal yang sama.

2 ) Delegasikan tugas yang tidak ingin dilakukan kepada orang lain.

Jika ada beberapa kegiatan atau tugas yang Anda tidak ingin anda lakukan, maka biarkan orang lain melakukannya .

Saya paling malas setrika baju, rapikan lemari, apalagi masak, ngepel dan cuci piring. Jujur saya sangat malas untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang memakan waktu. Tapi sebagai mahasiswa, pekerjaan rumah tangga harus saya lakukan, oleh karena itu, delegasikan tugas. karena pria memiliki hal lain yang harus dilakukan.

Seorang pria tidak perlu melakukan semuanya untuk dirinya sendiri. Anda tidak perlu memasak, membersihkan, menyetrika, Cukup fokus belajar dan fokus untuk karir terbaik yang harus dijalani. pria memiliki tanggung jawab besar menafkahi keluarga.

karena dari zaman dulu manajemen rumah tangga yang normal adalah perempuan memasak dan membersihkan, laki-laki mencari kayu bakar dan bahan untuk dimasak.

Sungguh sangat tidak adil di dunia ini jika seorang pria dianggap malas karena tidak pernah membersihkan halaman maupun mengepel lantai. Siapa yang peduli . Hidup akan menjadi seribu kali lebih baik ketika Anda tidak khawatir karena malas memasak dan bersih-bersih. Delegasikan pekerjaan tersebut lalu fokus meningkatkan produktifitas dalam usaha dan belajar. Pekerjaan bisa di delegasikan ke tukang laundry, kantin, dll, jika ingin lebih hemat, nikahilah wanita yang rajin dan pintar masak. Jikalau suatu saat nanti anda perlu membagi tugas dengan istri dalam urusan rumah tangga, anda tidak terlalu pusing karena bisa belajar mengepel yang efisien, cara melipat pakaian, bahkan cara memasak yang enak dengan istri anda.

Understanding Hijab

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What does a young woman demonstrate about herself when she dons a headscarf, but ties it so that bits of hair hang out or her neck or chest are not fully covered, and then matches it with make-up, form-fitting tops, skin-tight jeans, bare forearms, bare feet, heavy perfume, nail polish, high-heels and an expensive handbag?

What does a young man demonstrate about himself when he openly eyes women and talks to his buddies about their bodies, shows off in front of the opposite sex, and looks for chances to engage in physical contact with women freely?

Hijab is a state of mind enjoined upon both men and women in Islam. At the heart of its purpose, Hijab is about maintaining or elevating the dignity of every individual regardless of gender and preserving the ability of individuals to feel the natural sense of modesty, the loss of which is a serious spiritual sickness.

There are two overarching principles to Hijab for men and women according to the Qur’an:

1. Lowering your gaze: This means you should avoid looking at, listening to, or otherwise observing anything that damages your natural sense of modesty and shame, as well as anything that causes you to feel temptation to sin or causes attraction toward someone with whom you could not lawfully act on it.

2. Guarding your modesty: This means you should avoid revealing anything about yourself, whether through how you dress, how you speak, what you say or write, or other means, that would cause damage to your natural sense of modesty and shame, or tempt you to sin, or cause you to be attracted to or to attract someone with whom you could not lawfully act on that attraction.

The requirements of Islamic modest dress are based upon these two principles. Dress should be such that it guards your modesty and aids you in lowering your gaze and does not make it unnecessarily difficult for someone else to lower their gaze and guard their own modesty.

The basic requirements for female dress in public are four:

1. Extent: Everything but your hands and face must be covered. Feet should be covered, as should hair, neck, ears, and arms. Make-up and adornment should be covered, even if that means covering parts that would not otherwise have to be covered. Most scholars say that wedding rings and religious rings need not be covered, but in general, jewelry is adornment and should be concealed.

2. Looseness: The garments should be loose enough so that the shape of your body from at least the shoulders to the mid-thighs is not apparent. Even for the legs, clothes should not be skin-tight. If the fabric follows your curves, it is too tight.

3. Thickness: The clothing should be thick enough that the color of your skin and hair underneath cannot be discerned through the fabric.

4. Style: The clothes should not be of a color, style, or decoration so as to serve the purpose of drawing attention, being adornment, or showing off. Thus, clothes with bright colors, fancy decorations, and expensive fabrics should be avoided. Further, clothes that would be considered as belonging to the opposite gender or to followers of another religion are also excluded. Also, it is improper to be a slave to fashion, spending wastefully for the latest trend, judging and being judged based on style, etc. Simplicity is better for your soul, mind and body.

Men’s clothing requirements are exactly the same as women’s, except for the extent that needs to be covered. Jurists’ rulings differ slightly in this matter, but as a general guideline, men should cover from navel to knees at a minimum, although a greater extent is preferable in the presence of women, since a greater area than this can be attractive to the opposite sex.

All four requirements hold in the presence of non-mahrams (unrelated members of the opposite sex). It should be noted that, in addition to people of the opposite sex who are not related to you, some relatives are no-mahram as well, and thus Hijab should be observed in front of them. For example, you need to observe Hijab in front of cousins of the opposite gender. If you are a woman, you should observe Hijab in front of brothers-in-law and uncles related by marriage rather than blood. And if you are a man, you should observe Hijab in front of sisters-in-law and aunts related by marriage rather than blood.

When in the presence of mahram individuals only, the requirements for Islamic modest dress are different. Except between spouses, who are permitted to see all of each other’s bodies, the extent of covering required between mahram individuals is such that all private areas are covered. Looseness and thickness of clothing should also ensure coverage of the private areas. Adornment such as make-up and jewelry are generally permitted, but if the purpose is to attract, it should be reserved to be shared between married couples only. As for style, the requirements about showing off and about wearing clothes of the opposite gender or of another religion hold at all times.

Hijab requirements do not block women and men from doing business or from attending meetings in the same room as long as they are observing Hijab. However, the lowering of the gaze means when in the presence of non-mahrams, one should avoid looking at them in such a way as to be attracted to their bodies, or listening to them in such a way as to be attracted to their voices, etc. And in turn, the guarding of modesty means that one should behave so as not to be trying to attract the opposite sex, or showing off, or discoursing with them in a familiar way or about private topics.

Even the enemies of Islam have recognized that Hijab of men and women gives dignity to humanity and thus empowers those who observe it. This is one of the main reasons that they systematically attack it and try to convince Muslim men and women to abandon true Hijab. Observing Hijab begins and ends with its two over-riding principles – lowering your gaze and guarding your modesty. These two acts are greatly beneficial to you in both this world and the Hereafter – they protect you from hardship, sin, and confusion and they elevate you spiritually –  and this is why many people who observe Hijab describe it as being very freeing and something they truly love. Examine your interactions and your wardrobe with these two principles in mind, change anything that is out of line, and you will soon be enjoying the benefits in your own life.

Source: http://islamicinsights.com/religion/religion/understanding-hijab.html

Islam Will Dominate the World : Jumat Prayer in Brazil


Praise be to Allah. We praise him, and ask for his help and direction. We seek refuge in him from the evil of our souls and the evil of our actions. We testify that there is no god but Allah alone, with no companions. We testify that Muhammad is his servant and messenger. May Allah bless him and give him peace, as well as his family, companions, and those who follow him until the day of judgment.We have spoken about the obligation to preach Islam, and have divided the topic into four parts:

1 – The universal nature of Islam
2 – The conduct of Islam
3 – Those who are worried about Islam
4 – The future belongs to Islam

Without a doubt, Islam and Muslims are suffering from a campaign which accuses Islam of terrorism. Another accuses Islam of being spread by the sword. A third seeks to mock the Prophet (PBUH). The land of the Muslims is occupied in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Islamic countries. All of this which is happening should not in any way weaken the enthusiasm of the Muslim, or his hope that victory belongs to Islam. All of this which is happening to the Ummah is a test in order to distinguish the liar from the truthful, the believer from the hypocrite. It is a preamble to salvation; the darkness which precedes the dawn. The great hope resides primarily in Allah, and secondly in the efforts of the believers like yourselves.

What we should understand in the first place is that our religion is grand. If all the countries of the world, with their planes, ships, resources, tanks, and soldiers united to fight against Islam, they would be unable to eliminate it, because Allah has guaranteed its protection. He says: “They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse. He it is Who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the true religion, that He may make it overcome the religions, all of them, though the polytheists may be averse” [Qur’an 61:8-9]. He also said: “Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (people) from the way of Allah; so they shall spend it, then it shall be to them an intense regret, then they shall be overcome; and those who disbelieve shall be driven together to hell” [Qur’an 8:36]. He even said: “And certainly Our word has already gone forth in respect of Our servants, the messengers: Most surely they shall be the assisted ones, and most surely Our host alone shall be the victorious ones” [Qur’an 37:171-173].

For his part, the Messenger of Allah said, quoted in Sahih Muslim, “The earth was shown to me, and I saw its west and its east. Certainly my ummah will dominate everything which was shown me.”

He also said: “Certainly this religion will prevail wherever the night and day prevail. Allah will not leave a single tent or house except Islam penetrates it, strengthening some and humiliating others–strengthening the Muslims and humiliating the unbelievers.”

2. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Constantinople will be conquered by Muslims,” and it was conquered by Muhammad al-Fatih. The Prophet indicated that Rome would be conquered by 70,000 descendants of Isaac. Ibn Kathir said, commenting on this hadith, that they would be the sons of Esau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, and descendants of the Europeans. Ibn Kathir also said that in the last days, before the hour of judgment, many Europeans would become Muslims, and they would conquer Rome.

3. Translations of the Qur’an in English and French are fulfilling their role, causing people to accept them, and the Islamic religion is the fastest-growing religion in the world.

4. The American magazine “Times” published an article, saying: “The dawn of Islam will rise once more, but this time it will not rise from the east, but from the west, from the heart of Europe. From that old continent where the minarets are beginning to fight for space with the towers of churches in Paris, London, Madrid, and Rome. The sounding of the call to prayer is now heard daily in these locations, five times per day, testifying that Islam is daily gaining a new locality, new supporters who have found the path.

5. The British journal “Sunday Telegraph” said: “There is no one specific cause for the spread of Islam at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one. But non-Muslims began to have access to information about Islam and began to get to know it. Through these readings they discovered that Islam is the only divine religion that can be followed; it is the only religion that can solve humanity’s problems.”

6. The French magazine “Le Monde” published: “Military strategists have declared that the future [wars] of the world will be religious.” This is true, for the war in Palestine is religious, as arethe wars in Chechnya, Bosnia, and Kosovo. All are religious wars, and all are against Islam.

Muslims, brothers:

It is our duty to preach Islam without fear of the strength of the world, because Almighty Allah is All-Powerful, and can eliminate all the missiles and computers. All strength is in his hands. It suffices us to do good and trust in him.

Islam is growing in Brazil. Ten years ago there were 20 mosques. Now there are more than 100 mosques and prayer centers. It used to be extremely rare to see a woman with a hijab. Today many women wear them. Prayer is on the rise, and the number of attendees at the mosques is growing daily. Onward, Muslims!

Illuminate your homes with remembrance of Allah. Teach your children the way of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Introduce the spirit of hope that the future belongs to Islam to your closest family members and the Muslims in Brazil.